The Judge's Wife
Short Play, Drama / 4w, 3m
The Judge's Wife
by Caryl Churchill
A Judge passes a harsh sentence on a young man, Vernon Warren. Warren's brother kills the Judge. Caroline, the Judge's wife, explains her hu…
Cast Size
4w, 3m -
Target Audience
Adult, Senior, Teen (Age 14-18)
A Judge passes a harsh sentence on a young man, Vernon Warren. Warren's brother kills the Judge. Caroline, the Judge's wife, explains her husband's reactionary behaviour, seeing his death as "his way of committing suicide"; deliberately making himself a parody of a right-wing bigot, thereby giving his life for the oppressed, for the revolution. Contained in the volume Caryl Churchill: Shorts.
- Time Period Contemporary
- Setting Various simple settings
- Cautions
- Intense Adult Themes
Licensing & Materials
- Minimum Fee: £30 per performance plus VAT when applicable.
This title may have restrictions in place for London based productions. Please submit a licence request to confirm specific availability.